
< Welcome address from the i.o. of Rector Northern (Arctic) Federal University>

Dear organizers and participants of the Film Festival, dear friends!
We are looking forward to the astonishing event, International Film
Festival ARCTIC OPEN, spanning December 5-8, 2024. It means
that ‘great cinematography’ will again unite people of different
ages and professions, call for considering eternal values and
remind of preserving the fragile Arctic nature.

For the first time the Festival features popular science films. It
is important, given the Decade for Science and Technology,
announced by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. This
nomination winner will get an opportunity to visit the Arctic and
to communicate with members of the unique Arctic Floating
University expedition. It is held by the Northern Arctic Federal
University every year.

I am glad that our University again coorganizes the Festival and I
am convinced that it will continue to do so in the future. I sincerely
wish the audience interesting screenings and bright impressions,
filmmakers – further creative success and the organizers –
achieving the set goals!



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