
< Welcome address from the Director General Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives>

Dear friends,
ARCTIC OPEN IFF, an event of no small scale, attracts
the attention of both professionals and emerging auteurs
from across the world. Now in its eighth year, the festival has built
its own traditions and gained solid ground in the industry.
Each new year ARCTIC OPEN IFF takes on new format, staying
unique in its conceptual design, much to the delight of its
audience, for which the credit surely goes to the organizers. This
year, the participants and guests will see the festival unfold as

While contributing to stronger international cooperation, this film
festival plays an important role as awareness raiser. This year’s
official selection features films from Russia, France, Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, Iran, India, Lebanon, Poland, Spain, Finland, Great
Britain, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, USA, Mexico, China, among
other countries. Competitors and winners in various nominations
will have their films screened not only in Arkhangelsk and
Severodvinsk, but also in other parts of Arkhangelsk Province.
I hope the 8th ARCTIC OPEN International Film Festival will enjoy
another success of its endeavors. May the guests enjoy their
experience and bring home the best of impressions.

Roman Karmanov, Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives, Director General



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