Nathan Grossman met Greta Thunberg, the young eco-activist, before she
rose to prominence after her ‘one-person school strike for climate action’. He was filming Greta during one year, following her through her meetings with Emmanuel Macron and the Pope, and her voyage across the Atlantic
to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City. Grossman’s film is not so much about Greta the activist as it is about Greta the teenager. It follows someone who is going through the test of sudden fame and
responsibility and is told through compelling footage that is sure to be found captivating by people of all ages.

< Director>
Сценарист, режиссер, оператор. Участвовал в создании сериала Köttets lustar (2017), в написании сценариев к фильмам: Stieg Larsson: The Man Who Played with Fire (2018), Zlatan – för Sverige i tiden (2018), сериалу Köttets lustar (2017). Как оператор руководил процессом съемок фильмов: Грета (2020), The Beautiful Game (2020).
Nathan Grossman
Nathan Grossman