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Director Svetlana Belorussova
Production Russia
19 min

A young biologist, Dasha, is preparing to her thesis defense. The topic is the Baikal seal. Dasha’s supervisor doesn’t find her research endeavors worth pursuing and all her mother is concerned about is for Dasha to be on time for the night prayer. Will she be able to withstand the unfolding collision between science and religion, love and suffering, self-will and imposition?

Svetlana Belorussova
< Director>

Svetlana Belorussova is an anthropologist and film director. She has been leading ethnographic expeditions for about ten years, introducing the world to the cultures of the peoples of Russia and Kazakhstan – Chukchi, Nenets, Khanty, Tatars, Kryashens, Nagaibaks, Kazakhs.



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