The documentary Chyskyyrai — The Woman of Sakha follows the life and creative path of the unique indigenous singer and stage and film actress Valentina Romanova, who goes under the name of Chyskyyray, meaning ‘voice flying skyward’. Chyskyyray found fame after starring in Kinotavr-winning film Scarecrow, leaving behind many leading actresses of our time. Chyskyyrai is deeply rooted in tradition, embodying the Sakha character and creating evocative and passionate music. By portraying her bright personality, this film attempts to bring the Russian and international audiences’ interest in Yakut culture to a new level. Presenting it at Arctic Open will be director Mila Kudryashova and Chyskyyray herself.
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Окончила факультет журналистики СПБГУ, специализировалась на кафедре “Радио и телевидение”. Участвовала в производстве и продвижении более пятидесяти кинотелепроектов. Участник VI МКФСА ARCTIC OPEN 2022 год.
Mila Kudryashova
Mila Kudryashova