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< The Underwater World of the Beluga Whales>

Production Russia
8 мин.

Our ECO-Cinema will take you to the bottom of the White Sea and back to “the start of a new film”. Can it be possible? It can. Thanks to the virtual reality created by Vladimir Marin. Meet Vladimir for find out what inspired him and his crew to make this film and why divers should always remember they are quests going underwater. We’ll witness males fighting and calves suckling their moms. We’ll hear the unearthly sounds of these truly fantastic creatures that look to some like giant babies with snow-white skin and gullible eyes.

The underwater observation platform is stationed in the shallow water area inhabited by flocks of whales that have been objects of the decades-long research. According to the information in the chronicles of Solovetsky Isles, beluga whales have been migrating toward the White Sea waters for centuries. Even despite the ruthless hunts that damaged their population time and again, the flocks restored and returned to their beloved site near the White Sea coast. Now, for the first time in the history of observing the beluga whales, watchers will be able to experience their presence without disturbing them. Thanks to the 360 immersive Virtual Reality, we’ll be following the whales to uncover their mysteries while staying invisible to them.

< Director>

Vladimir earned his degree in film direction from the Russian State Institute of Cinematography (USSR Honoured Artist Vladimir Naumov studio). As a director and operator, he joined as many as 15 marine and land expeditions dedicated for popular sciences and has been, since 2009, in charge of the IORAN Video Studio at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology.



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